Research Facilities
The Columbia Physics Department participates in a number of specialized research centers and laboratories both on-campus and off-campus. The department administers or co-administers the following laboratory centers, each with its own research facilities:
This is a collaborative research effort between the Department of Astronomy and the Department of Physics at Columbia University.
This off-campus laboratory is home to experimental astrophysics, nuclear physics, and particle physics research groups. It houses clean rooms, and state-of-the-art electronics shops with engineering support staff, computing facilities, and office space.
The Columbia Radiation Laboratory presently supports multi-disciplinary research in the Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Applied Physics, and Chemical Engineering.
Research Center affiliations include:
Additional research facilities available to Columbia Physics Department affiliates include:
This facility is dedicated to providing the instrumentation, technical expertise, and team-teaching environment to stimulate collaborative research in nanoscale technology. The facility supports the creation and evaluation of devices and materials with state-of-the-art fabrication.
CUIT’s High Performance Computing service provides a cluster of computing resources that power transactions across numerous research groups and departments at the University, as well as additional projects and initiatives as demand and resources allow.
The Columbia Physics Department maintains close links with many other departments (through joint faculty appointments and direct and significant faculty research collaboration). Affiliated departments include: