Past Seminar Recordings

Seminar Recordings

Physics Colloquium

Monika Schleier-Smith
Monika Schleier-Smith

"Atoms Interlinked by Light: Quantum Engineering Meets Fundamental Physics" 

Surjeet Rajendron
Surjeet Rajendron

"Opening Up the Gravitational Wave Spectrum"

Andrea Young
Andrea Young

"Orbital Magnetism in Graphene Heterostructures" 

Andrea Cavellari
Andrea Cavellari

"New Physics Driven Quantum Materials" 

Katerina Chatziioannou
Katerina Chatziioannou

"Studying Neutron Stars and Dense Matter With Gravitational Waves" 

Michael Berry
Michael Berry

“Four geometrical-optics illusions"

David Hsieh
David Hsieh

"Strongly Driven Quantum Materials" 

Mal Ruderman
Mal Ruderman


Pauline Gagnon
Dr. Pauline Gagnon

"The tragic destiny of Mileva Marić Einstein"

Maya Fishbach
Maya Fishbach

"Astrophysics and Cosmology with Merging Black Holes"

Dr. Elena Aprile
Elena Aprile

"Annual C.S. Wu Memorial Lecture"

Wendy Freedman
Wendy Freedman

"The Hubble Tension: Is There a Crisis in Cosmology?"

Macarena Lagos
Macarena Lagos

"Gravitational Wave Cosmology"

Dongzi Li
Dongzi Li

 “The mystery of fast radio bursts”

Shi-Chieh Hsu
Shi-Chieh Hsu

"Discovering the Dark Universe with Artificial Intelligence"

Ashutosh Kotwal
Ashutosh Kotwal

"The Heavyweight W boson- Upset to the Standard Model of Particle Physics"

Ira Rothstein
Ira Rothstein

"The Theoretical Challenges Presented by Gravitational Wave Astronomy"

Debayan Mitra
Debayan Mitra

"Cooling the hydrogen atom without actually cooling it"

Savannah Thais
Savannah Thais

"Symmetry and Geometry for Machine Learning in Experimental Physics"

Pedro Machado
Pedro Machado

"The Large Neutrino Collider: Physics Opportunities with Future Liquid Argon Time Project Projection Chambers"

Quantum Panel
Quantum Panel

"Quantum Panel Event"

Zia Mian
Zia Mian

"Dismantling the Nuclear Doomsday Machine: Scientists, the Bomb, and the Challenges of Nuclear Disarmament"

Eliot Quataert
Eliot Quataert

"Inward Bound: Horizon-Scale Modeling of Black Holes"

Michele Vallisneri
Michele Vallisneri

"The North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves
15 Year Dataset"

David Schelgel
David Schelgel

"The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Survey (DESI) and Beyond"

Ozgur Sahin
Ozgur Sahin

 "An ominous deal between life and death: Hydration solids"

Leonardo Rastelli
Leonardo Rastelli

"Carving out theory space"

Sri Raghu
Sri Raghu

"Duality and the fractional quantum Hall regime: open questions and new results"

Lukas Novotny
Lukas Novotny

"Levitodynamics: Quantum Control of a Levitated Nanoparticle" 

Jaco de Swart
Jaco de Swart

"How Dark Matter Came to Matter"

Andrea Alu
Andrea Alu

"Extreme Control of Light and Sound with Metamaterials"

Peter Hirschfeld
Peter Hirschfeld

"Superconductivity: there's plenty of cream at the bottom"

Asimina Arvanitaki
Asimina Arvanitaki

 "The Cosmic Neutrino Background (CνB): Its distribution on the surface of the Earth and its manipulation on laboratory scales"

Shri Kulkarni
Shri Kulkarni

"The Origin of the Far Ultraviolet Diffuse Background"

David DeMille
David DeMille

“Tabletop” experiments probing beyond-standard model CP violation at TeV to PeV scales"

Ana Maria Rey
Ana Maria Rey

"Optical lattice clocks: From Timekeepers to Spies of the Quantum Realm"

Nathalie De Leon
Nathalie De Leon

"New platforms for quantum sensing and quantum computing"

Steven Taylor
Steven Taylor

"The Road Ahead For Gravitational-wave Astrophysics At Light-year Wavelengths"

Knut Morå
Knut Morå

"Beyond the limit: direct dark matter results that can be re-used."

Nadya Mason
Nadya Mason

"No Strain, No Gain: Modifying Transport in 2D Materials By Engineering Strain" 

Mariangela Lisanti
Mariangela Lisanti

"Galaxies as Probes of the Particle Physics Nature of Dark Matter"

Dan Stamper-Kurn
Dan Stamper-Kurn

"Quantum systems and devices built of ultracold atoms and light" 

Marco Polini
Marco Polini

"Quantum Effects in Energy Storage" 

James Analytis
James Analytis

“Boundaries of Equilibrium: How Quantum Materials continue to show surprises of fundamental and technological importance”

Chandralekha Singh
Chandralekha Singh

"Facilitating thinking and learning in and beyond the physics classrooms using research-based approaches"