NOvA (NuMI Off-axis ?e Appearance) experiment is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment. It uses two functionally identical detectors, the NOvA near detector (ND) at Fermilab and the NOvA far detector (FD) at a distance 810 km in northern Minnesota to measure ?e appearance in a narrow-band beam of ?µ peaked at 2 GeV in energy. Neutrino induced Neutral Current (NC) interactions with a π0 in the final state are a significant background in the ?e_eappearance measurement. The π0 decay into two photons can fake the ?e appearance signal either due to merging of two photon showers or one of the two photons escaping the detection. Therefore, a complete understanding of NC interactions with π0 in the final state is very important. To constrain this background, a cross-section measurement of inclusive NC π0 production using data from the NOvA ND has performed. It will also help in reducing the background uncertainties for current and future long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. An absolute cross-section measurement as well as differential cross-section measurement w.r.t π0 kinematics including event identification techniques, background estimation study, unfolding results and expected uncertainties will be presented.