"Weak Lensing Non-Gaussian Statistics in the era of precision Cosmology"
In recent years, non-Gaussian statistics have been growing in popularity as powerful tools for efficiently extracting cosmological information from current weak lensing data. Their use can improve constraints on cosmological parameters over standard two-point statistics, can additionally help discriminate between general relativity and modified gravity theories, and can help to self-calibrate astrophysical and observational nuisance parameters.
During this seminar, I will discuss the current state-of-the-art in weak lensing non-Gaussian analyses. I will show the constraints on cosmological parameters from two independent analyses using non-Gaussian statistics applied to the first three years of data (Y3) of the Dark Energy Survey (DES): moments and peaks. I will further describe promising techniques that are soon to be applied to data (wavelet-based methods) and discuss the main challenges ahead in view of stage IV surveys.