
Past Event

Theory Seminar with Dr. Renwick J. Hudspeth (Carnegie Mellon University): " Heavy exotics from lattice QCD"

December 9, 2024
2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
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Theory Center, Pupin Hall 8th Floor

"Heavy exotics from lattice QCD"

Motivated by the ever-expanding zoo of multi-quark hadrons (tetraquarks, pentaquarks) discovered at the LHC, in particular the Tcc, I will discuss the recent lattice-QCD history of heavy-light (with the heavy being charm or bottom quarks) tetraquarks. I will attempt to describe what we know about the mechanisms that cause binding for these channelsĀ and point to possible experimental discovery channels. Along the way I will discuss approaches to tune heavy quarks within lattice QCD, as well as the technical challenges in performing a measurement of such states. Finally, I will point where I see the future of such measurements going, and where improvement needs to be made.