
Past Event

Physics Colloquium with Dr. Chandralekha Singh (University of Pittsburgh)

September 9, 2024
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
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Center for Theoretical Physics

"Facilitating thinking and learning in and beyond the physics classrooms using research-based approaches"

I will discuss, using my research in physics education, how research can be used as a guide to develop curricula and pedagogies to improve student understanding of introductory and advanced concepts as well as for making physics learning environments equitable and inclusive. For example, we are developing research-based learning tools such as tutorials and tools for peer instruction to improve student understanding of quantum mechanics.  I will also describe our research studies that provide guidelines for how to enhance physics by making it inclusive. For example, I will discuss how a field-tested short intervention was implemented at the beginning of a physics course and how it improved the performance of traditionally underrepresented students in introductory physics classes compared to the comparison group.

Research Overview: