
Past Event

Physics Colloquium with Dr. Alexander Philippov (University of Maryland)

October 28, 2024
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
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Theory Center, Pupin Hall 8th Floor

Research Overview:

"Pulsar Magnetospheres and Their Radiation"

Mal Ruderman's legacy in the physics of neutron stars is enormous, and many questions he first formulated remain unanswered. In this talk, I will review recent progress in understanding the complex multi-scale physics of neutron star magnetospheres through the lens of first-principles numerical simulations. I will highlight pair production discharges near the stellar surface and radiative magnetic reconnection near and beyond the light cylinder. I will extensively discuss their role in powering the multi-wavelength non-thermal radiation of pulsars, which spans almost 20 decades in photon energy, from enigmatic coherent radio waves to recently detected 20TeV emission in Vela.