A special physics colloquium to celebrate Andrew Millis @ 60. Three short talks will be given:
Andy Millis: theory meets experiment
Abhay Pasupathy (Columbia Physics)
Solids with strongly interacting electrons display an amazing richness of experimental phenomena. A theorist's role is often to find a simple model that captures the essence of the observations and predicts new phenomena. I will discuss some of Andy's many successes in this role.
Quantum many-body physics with atoms and photons
Ana Asenjo Garcia (Columbia Physics)
In this talk, I will review our recent advances in understanding out-of-equilibrium dynamics in ordered atomic arrays. I will focus on Dicke superradiance, an example of emergence of macroscopic quantum coherence via correlated dissipation.
Andrew Millis: physicist and institutions builder
David R. Reichman (Columbia Chemistry)
In this short talk I will discuss Andy's contributions both to science and to the building of scientific institutions. In particular, his major contributions to condensed matter physics, his role in strengthening science at Columbia, in New York City and beyond, and his "outreach" to researchers like myself who are not physicists but work in "physics adjacent" fields
Please emailĀ [email protected] to register for the event.